
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.   Children come to our school from Withington, Andoversford, Charlton Kings, Cirencester, Pitville and other neighbouring villages.

Starting a new school is a very important step. We aim to cater for every child and are always happy to hear parents’ views

EYFS - September Admissions

You will be sent a Common Application Form by Gloucestershire County Council to complete by 15th January of each year for admission the following September, or this can be done online via the Local Authority's portal. The Local Authority will send you your unique login details and password. New entrants may be admitted in the September before their fifth birthday.  

In Year Admissions

Prospective parents should complete an 'In Year Admission Form' provided by Gloucestershire County Council. We ask that these completed forms be returned back to our school office as soon as possible so we can confirm if a place is available for your child in their year group. Forms can be found at the bottom of the page and can be sent back to us by post or electronically. Please note that the school is unable to offer a place for a child until two weeks before their expected start date, unless they are a service family. In this instance we can offer a school place a term before the place is required.

Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Admissions Policy 2025/2026

Parents moving into the district and wishing to send their child to this school are invited to contact the School Office for information and to arrange a visit if they would like to.  

Admissions Consultation Letter 2024

In Year Admission Form

Gloucestershire County council further information regarding admissions can be found here.