Governors Logon
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. The Governing body of the school is drawn from many aspects of the community. The Governors have responsibility for the overall management of the school, acting within the framework set by National legislation and by the policies of the local education authority of Gloucestershire.
At our school there are four types of governor which reflect all those involved in the school community:-
- Foundation Governor - The role of a Foundation Governor is to ensure that the Christian ethos of the school is maintained and creatively developed and they are appointed by the Church;
- Local Authority Governor - These types of Governors are appointed by the governing body;
- Parent Governor - The parent Governors are elected by parents of children attending the school and usually serve for 4 years;
- Staff Governor - The role of these governors is to represent the staff at the school and it includes the Headteacher.
The full Governing body meets once a term. For more information regarding the role of the governing body, please follow the attached link, Gloucestershire Governors Information.
The Governing Body is as follows:
Mr Mark Lees - Additional Governor - Chair of Governors
I am delighted to have appointed as a governor for Withington CE Primary, having recently retired as a primary teacher and headteacher .
My first headship was at Kempford CE near Fairford and my career took my family and I to Cornwall. We moved back to Tetbury this year to be closer to family.
While in Cornwall, I held a variety of posts including acting as a Primary/Early Years Adviser for Cornwall Council. While working for the council I visited and supported many primary schools.
I also trained as a school inspector.
More recently I have enjoyed giving back to education by being a governor in several local schools and trusts.
I am married with two grown up sons and like to watercolour paint on my spare time.
Mr Peter Webb - LA Governor
I moved to Withington in 1982 to join GCHQ. Prior to that I worked as a physicist at British Aircraft Cooperation at Stevenage in Hertfordshire. I worked at GCHQ for over 30 years, during which time I was awarded a OBE for services to British defence and security interests overseas
I have been involved with Withington School for over 40 years. First as a parent (both my daughters went to Withington School), then as a governor. I was chair of Governors for about 20 years.
Since retiring my main interest have continued to be gardening and supporting both Gloucester Rugby and Gloucestershire Cricket Club.
Mrs Kate Lawton - Foundation Governor - Vice Chair
I have been a governor at Withington since 2019. I am a Chartered Accountant and am designated the finance governor. I pop in to school frequently and work mostly with the Head and the school business manager. I worked with big corporations for KPMG in Bristol and Brisbane for 15 years, mostly in Audit. Since I moved with my family to Withington more than 20 years ago, I have kept the accounts for a number of smaller companies and, on a voluntary basis until recently, the local archery club. Whilst my children were involved, I was an active member of the local pony club committee. I am the annual internal auditor for the Withington Parish Council on a voluntary basis. I am very fortunate to be able to work from home in our beautiful village and walk our dog, cycle and ride my daughter's old pony around the area every day.
Mrs Fennie Strange - Foundation Governor
I became a Foundation Governor at the end of 2021, after a career teaching English and RE in Welsh secondary schools. I have been a Christian all my life, and my involvement in the Coln River Group of churches, which includes Withington, is important to me. As a mother and grandmother, I am deeply concerned about maintaining standards in education and believe VA schools offer a valuable opportunity to give children a broad and balanced curriculum, built upon Christian values and the teachings of the Anglican church.
Mrs Jacque Dent - Foundation Governor
I joined the Governing Body at Withington when my two sons were children at the school. I have responsibility for SEND, LAC and Safeguarding and am also chair of the Ethos and Standards committee. Any spare time I have is spent riding, walking my springer spaniel, running a large Brownie pack and delivering training sessions for Girlguiding.
Mr Andrew Hiscox - Ex-officio
I am delighted to be the ex-officio Governor for Withinton Primary, a wonderfully nurturing and picturesque village School! I am the Rector of Coln River benefice, a group of nine churches in the Cotswolds which includes St Michael and All Angels, Withington, just opposite the school. The church has a great relationship with with the school, something which I am keen to continue to foster. Prior to moving to the lovely Cotswolds, I ministered for eight years in churches in North Somerset. Before that, I worked for 25 years in the finance sector.
Ms Heather Brown - Staff Governor
***Awaiting information***