School Meals

All Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 children are entitled to a free school meal, as per the ‘Universal Free School Meals for Key Stage 1’ directive.  However, we do ask that any parents who would be entitled to free school meals due to being in receipt of benefits such as Income Support  still apply, as the school receives additional funding for all these children.

If you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, please use the link below to download an application form. You can also pick up one of these from the school office.

To check to see if you are eligible and apply using a confidential online form. Please visit

Children may bring a packed lunch to be eaten in school - no fizzy drinks please, and no chocolate bars or packets of sweets.

Our school lunches are provided by Caterlink. There is always a vegetarian  and Jacket Potato option and Caterlink can cater for dietary requirements such as gluten or lactose intolerances. Schools meals are prepared on the following basis:

  • Meals made from scratch using premium ingredients e.g. fresh joints of meat
  • High quality healthy recipes which are well presented and compliant with Government standards.
  • Ingredients predominantly locally sourced with a clear plan to increase this further still.

Please find the current menu here:

Autumn / Winter 2024-2025 Menu