The School Day...

The compulsory school day stars at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm. This totals 32.5 hours per week.

The front door opens at 8:40am. Registration begins promptly at 8:45am followed by the first lesson of the day. On Mondays, the whole school gather at 9am in the Church for collective worship which is sometimes led by our  ‘Open the Book’  team or Rev Andrew. Worship for the remainder of the week is at 1pm in the FSU area.

10:45am - break

A 15 minute break for all children. KS1 children have fruit as a snack every morning provided by the school. KS2 children provide their own healthy fruit snack each day. 

In addition, all children are welcome to sign up for milk which is free to those under 5.

12pm - 1pm lunch

Children have the choice of having either a cooked lunch or bringing their own packed lunch from home. If children have a packed lunch they are encouraged to make healthy food choices and we ask that no chocolate bars or sweets are included. 

3:15pm - Hometime

Children are collected from the front of school at 3.15pm. If parents are unable to collect their child/ren, the school must be notified as soon as possible.  If alternative arrangements are to be made, then the School office must be provided with details.  For security purposes, parents (or other authorised collecting adults) must make themselves known to the class teacher before taking their child. An agreed password will be needed for any new adults collecting your child. 

Wrap around care is available Mondays to Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:00pm. 


It really does help your child, and us, to arrive to school on time.  If you are going to be late, we ask that you contact the school to let us know.  If your child has a school meal, the school needs to know their menu choice before 9:30am. 

If you are unavoidably late in the afternoon, please ring the school to let us know.  Please be aware that late collection after 3:15 will result in a charge for wrap around care.